Saturday 28 April 2012

A quiet evening

The wife and her sister have gone to see NKOTBSB at the O2 so I've a quiet night in with my son. Had a perfect opportunity to get on with the Revell Routemaster but didn't really feel in the mood. Oh well, it's not going anywhere!

One to Ponder

Why do I never go to bed early on my day off? It's a perfect time to catch up on sleep especially as the wife is off tomorrow as well. She's out tomorrow night with her sister, they're going to see NKOTBSB at the O2. How nice...!

Tuesday 24 April 2012

A new beginning...

9 1/2 hours at work, one moody 18 month old and one slightly unhappy wife. No change there then!

Revell Routemaster parts still sitting in it's box, I'll take a picture of the rolling chassis soon.